Sunday, August 2, 2009

I'm leaving on a jet plane....

Well, not really... Instead I'm driving across Massachusetts for a week long teacher workshop tomorrow. I'll be reconnecting with co-workers, learning more about urban students, and earning my first 3 graduate credits towards my MAT. Hope everyone has a great week and I'll be back Friday with what I learned (for those preppy teachers out there).
P.S.- Was able to pick up the L.L. Bean argyle tote in a medium (no larges in store) but I think its the perfect size for my petite frame. I'm bringing it with me so I have a place for my binder, pens, and whichever book I decide to bring :-)


Kimberly Pye said...

What book DID you bring? I'm always interested in what people are reading, especially on road trips and vacations.

Laura said...

This is the link to the lesson.
Have a great day!

*Pink Preppy Party Girl* said...

Sounds like fun!